WAPA Celebrates National Safer Workplace Day on June 28

A safe work environment is incredibly important.

In the asphalt industry, we hear a lot about the physical dangers of construction and working with heavy equipment in and around traffic in all kinds of weather. However, the threats to workers’ mental health – which are just as serious – can be much harder to see.

Construction is high-stress and high-stakes work. And according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the construction industry has the highest suicide rates by occupation.

Over the years, countless tools and technologies have been developed to increase safety for asphalt workers on the job. Mental safety isn’t quite as easy to address, but the National Asphalt Pavement Association has compiled a list of strategies and resources that can help. You can also add your name to the Suicide in Construction Awareness Proclamation if you agree that our industry needs to encourage an open conversation about suicide and mental health awareness.

As an industry, we may never be able to eliminate every physical and mental risk that asphalt workers face in their day-to-day jobs. But by acknowledging the dangers, and doing everything we can to mitigate them, we can strive to make our workplaces safer.

In honor of National Safer Workplace Day on June 28, we hope you’ll check out the resources above and help us prioritize the safety of Wisconsin’s asphalt industry workers.

Thank you,

Deb Schwerman
Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association