New Asphalt Resources, Awards, and Events

We’ve been saying it for years: asphalt offers a number of advantages over other pavement materials. But as the effects of climate change become more evident around the world, asphalt is also earning a reputation as the most environmentally responsible choice.

Asphalt is 100% recyclable. It requires 20% less energy to produce and construct than other pavement materials, and old tires and roofing shingles can also be reused in new asphalt pavements to reduce landfill space and conserve natural resources. 

Given these facts, it’s no wonder there are more upcoming events and timely resources dedicated to showcasing asphalt’s sustainability than ever before. Here are some highlights:

We hope you find these resources to be helpful. If you have any questions about this information or if we can be of assistance in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

Deb Schwerman,
Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association