American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE)
ASCE’s mission is to provide essential value to members, their careers, partners and the public by developing leadership, advancing technology, advocating lifelong learning and promoting the profession of civil engineering.
Asphalt Research Consortium (ARC)
Under a cooperative agreement with the FHWA, the five participant organization in ARC are undertaking work to assess existing technologies for fast-tracking to commercialization; generate a greater mechanistic understanding of fatigue and moisture damage; develop technologies, standards, and procedures to improve the performance and predictability of asphalt paving materials; and validate new technologies in the field so they can be confidently adopted by industry and departments of transportation.
Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT)
AAPT supports developments in asphalt paving technology; encourages communication among those charged with technical responsibility for the production and laying of asphalt pavements, the production of materials, and construction or construction equipment; serves as a central point for exchange of ideas related to the technology of asphalt paving; and conducts, encourages and collates research in the asphalt paving industry.
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
ITE is an international educational and scientific association of traffic engineers, transportation planners and others who are responsible for meeting society’s needs for safe and efficient surface transportation through planning, designing, implementing, operating and maintaining surface transportation systems worldwide.
MnROAD is a pavement test track made up of various research materials and pavements owned and operated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, working with its partners. Located near Albertville, Minnesota, MnROAD works in conjunction with MnDOT’s Materials Lab. It finds ways to make roads last longer, perform better, cost less to build and maintain, be built faster and have minimal impact on the environment.
Modified Asphalt Research Center (MARC)
The University of Wisconsin brings together a diverse and experienced team of individuals to conduct research with the MARC. The UW effort is centered at the Madison campus, where the team is now engaged in research activities for FHWA’s Asphalt Research Consortium.
National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT)
NCAT is a focal point for HMA research and technology transfer. NCAT works to improve hot mix asphalt performance through research, education and information services. NCAT welcomes inquiries and requests for information from those involved with the HMA industry.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
Administered by TRB and sponsored by the member departments of AASHTO (i.e., individual state departments of transportation) in cooperation with FHWA, the NCHRP conducts research in acute problem areas that affect highway planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance nationwide.
North Central Asphalt User/Producer Group (NCAUPG)
NCAUPG is an organization of government and industry representatives from 12 states in the central and north central United States and two Canadian provinces. NCAUPG provides a forum for its members to address the many common concerns facing the asphalt industry in this region.
North Central Superpave Center (NCSC)
NCSC assists agencies and industry in the north central region of the country and continues the development and implementation of the Superpave system for asphalt binder and mixture design.
Transportation Research Board (TRB)
TRB is a unit of the National Research Council, a private, non-profit institution that is the principal operating agency of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. TRB promotes innovation and progress in transportation by stimulating and conducting research, facilitating the dissemination of information, and encouraging the implementation of research results. Online literature searches can be done for free using the Transportation Research Information Service (TRIS).
Wisconsin Highway Research Program (WHRP)
WHRP discovers better ways to design, build and reconstruct the state’s highways. WHRP research projects are selected and overseen by collaborative committees that include WisDOT, academia, industry, consulting engineers and FHWA. Through rigorous testing of innovative materials and methods, WHRP research leads to improved performance and service life of Wisconsin’s pavements and bridges.