December 3-4, 2019
Ingleside Hotel
Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Thank you to all attendees, presenters, sponsors and exhibitors at WAPA’s 2019 annual conference. The event was a resounding success, and we could not have done it without your enthusiasm and dedication to advancing asphalt pavements in Wisconsin.
Main Conference Session Presentations
Wisconsin DOT Update
Craig Thompson, Secretary, Wisconsin DOT
Paving U.S. Bank Stadium
Jon Anderson, Caterpillar Inc.
Workforce Development
Ester Magorka, National Asphalt Pavement Association
Recruit and Retain the Next Generation
Laura Cataldo, Baker Tilly
HMA Update
Barry Paye, WisDOT
Wisconsin Highway Research Program
Erik Lyngdal and Dan Kopacz, WisDOT
Balanced Mix Design
Randy West, National Center for Asphalt Technology
Technical Breakout Session Presentations
Stone-Matrix Asphalt (SMA)
Deb Schwerman, WAPA, and Steve Hefel, Wisconsin DOT
Air Quality/Emissions
Erin Hansel, Wisconsin DNR
Asphalt Pavement for Recreational Facilities
Wayne Jones, Asphalt Institute
Ethics Training
Mike Wittenwyler, Godfrey & Kahn
Back to Basics: Aggregates
Hans Dawson, Lannon Stone
Back to Basics: Mix Design
Randy West, NCAT